Experience God...

Experience Life!

Are you a Christian or a Son or Daughter of God?

There are way too many Christians, but very few sons and daughters! What a statement… but take a moment, and think about it: "Christian" is a term that was first given to the early followers in Antioch (Acts 11:26). People invented this name, not God; and over the past 2000 years, the term "Christian" has lost its true meaning.

What I propose to you is something different, something better, something amazing and true; instead of being a "Christian", become a Child of God. This is where real purpose, real fulfillment, and real power exists….and this is also why most Christians never experience it – they know God, but they are not KNOWN by Him; simply said… they are Christians, but not sons or daughters. What’s the difference? "Christian" is a name given by man, but a son or daughter has a name given by God (Revelation 2:17). If you are a child of God, you have a real identity…and within this identity, you have the authority to walk above the circumstances and problems that everyone else seems to be dealing with (Luke 10:19).

Do you remember the famous quote in John 10:10? Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly." Are you living "life" the way Jesus promised? Or are you "going through the motions" like everyone else?

Greater things… happiness, peace, purpose: this is what God wants for you. How does someone find God? Answer: Find Jesus…. The "Real" Jesus! Sadly, the "Real" Jesus is not known by most people today, including people that go to church and proclaim to be Christians. The real question is not, "Do you know Jesus?", but rather, "Does Jesus know you?" The following words come from John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I KNOW THEM, and they follow me." Here is how you know if you are a true follower of God: 1. You hear God’s voice. 2. You follow and obey His voice. If you can truly say without any hesitation that you meet both of these criteria, then yes, you know Him, and more importantly, He knows you!

Who is the "Real" Jesus? It is actually easier to explain who He is not; He is not the "religious" Jesus spoken of in a lot of churches today. It may come as a shock, but the "Jesus" we here of today is a "watered-down" version of the real thing… simply put: an imitation! Jesus Himself even said, "False Christs shall rise and will show signs and wonders, to seduce, and if it were possible, even the elect." (Mark 13:22). With so many churches, denominations and beliefs, one would be compelled to ask, Is this really God’s plan for salvation? To make it plain and simple: The "Real" Jesus is not a symbol; He is a Person, and He is so much more than a guaranteed access to heaven. Jesus wants to live on the inside of you and make you completely whole (spirit, soul, and body). This is the difference between the "religious" and the "real"; This is the difference between a "Christian" and a Child of God! Most people never hear the voice of God because they have received an imitation of the truth, and Satan is the master-mind behind this tactful ploy.

Do you want to be known by God? Do you want the assurance that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Do you want to hear the voice of God, with an un-yielding conviction that gives you the ability to overcome every problem in this life? If your answer is yes, then be assured, this commitment requires much more than going to the altar, being baptized, or just simply calling on His name. It is more than just a one-time experience; it is a life-time experience, a life-time change! The truth is, very few people find the pathway that leads to this life (Matthew 7:14). Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen." (Matthew 22:14). If you desire to be one of the few, then it begins with being born-again. If you are serious about making Jesus "real" in your life, then you will become so much more than a "Christian" could ever hope to be. You will become His son or daughter, a rightful heir to His kingdom! Ask Him to live on the inside of you today. Open up your heart, confess with your mouth and start a "real" life with the "Real" Jesus today! (Romans 10:9-10) This is how you experience life the way it was meant to be; this is how you Experience God…This is how you Experience Life.

Start your new journey now.